"Do NOT FEAR! For I AM With YOU!"

Hear the Command of your God, Listen to Who HE IS and Why He calls you to be Fearless!!!

Because I AM Your GOD
Because I AM The CREATOR of the universe
Because I AM The Sustainer of the universe
Because I AM the Provider of all Your needs


Because I AM the Ruler of the rulers
Because I AM Your Defender
Because I Go Before You as Your Captain
Because I FIGHT for You


Because I will UPHOLD You with My mighty hand
Because I AM Your Strength
Because I Defeated Your enemy
 Because I Defeated sin
Because I Defeated the grave


Because I forgive You completely
Because You are Covered in My love

Because I AM ALIVE
Because I AM Unstoppable, Infallible, Unflinching
Because I AM Matchless, Zealous and Victorious


Because I AM the one who LIVES IN You
Because I will NEVER leave YOU or forsake YOU…



Let your FAITH Fight the Facts!  Let your FAITH Fight your Failures!  Let your FAITH Fight your Fear, AND Let your FAITH lead you into the Future God has for you.  A Future in which you Will see Mountains Move, Walls Crumble, and Victories Assured!  This is WHO YOUR GOD IS…HE IS BIGGER THAN YOUR FEAR!  TRUST HIM AND RESPOND TO HIM IN FAITH!!

“Tis SO Sweet to TRUST in Jesus, Just to Take Him at HIS WORD…Oh For Grace to TRUST HIM MORE!”

Ashley Possin