Meet the Team!
“Two are Better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has No One to help them up…Though One may be overpowered, Two can defend themselves. A cord of Three strands is Not quickly broken!”
If a rope of Three strands is Not easily broken…imagine if there were FOUR!
I want to introduce you to the team, family, and staff of One Truth Ministries!
These are the people God brought together in a divine and powerful way to utilize the gifts and strengths of each in order to proclaim His Truth to the ends of this Earth! I could not begin to tell you how much I love them and how exceedingly thankful I am for each one! These are people who are crazy about our Savior and desperate for the whole World to know Him! We are servants of our King and long to KNOW Him intimately and to help others KNOW Him too!
Founder & President/ Speaker
I am so excited to share with you my Passion, my Joy, and my Love in this life. His name is Jesus Christ! My love for him began as a child when I would share the stories of the Bible with any doll that would listen to me. As I grew, those dolls became people when my family started serving as missionaries. After I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, my greatest desire became that I would be Completely “spent” for Him on this earth. It was then that God began giving me an insatiable hunger for His Word. This led me into a life of study with a promise that whatever He would teach me I would share. I realized that the freedom I had experienced by the truth of God’s word was filling me with a deep desire to see other women set free by that same Unchanging, All Powerful truth. I have personally witnessed Jesus Christ, redeem, heal, reconcile, perform miracles, forgive, and bring freedom from every pit and bondage imaginable. It is my greatest longing to see women set free by the One Truth of God’s Word and for them to not just “know about” God, but to KNOW God! This IS Eternal Life!
Vice President & Speaker
Lanita Shepherd – For those of you who may not know this, I am going to share this right off the bat – this Powerhouse woman of God just happens to also be my Mother! She is one of the main reasons for my passion of studying and sharing the Truth of God’s Word! I remember praying when I was younger that God would allow just a LITTLE of the mantle that He had placed on her to fall on me! I was enthralled with her love and desire to teach God’s Word, and I still am! We have just begun to have the privilege of partnering together in this ministry! She has come on board as a fellow Teacher within this ministry and you will see us partnering a lot! It is a lifelong dream to be able to share God’s Word together! She is also the mother of three other daughters and the Nana to her two favorite grandkids!
Public Relations
Louise Hansen – This is the woman God used to start it all!! I cannot say enough about this beautiful woman who has been such an instrumental person in my life! She has walked with our Lord all her life and has served Him faithfully through a beautiful marriage, the raising of children, and the love of grandchildren! She had an incredible career that included working in both TV, and Radio! She has allowed the Lord to use what He had taught her during that time for His Glory in One Truth Ministries! She is the head of all Public Relations for this ministry and because of what the Lord has done through her we are able to share His Truth through the Radio, Newspapers, and Conferences around the World!
Social Media & Website Design
Vanessa Kluss – This woman is all FIRE for Jesus!!! She is someone who came to know Christ and has been on a mission ever since – NO Turning back! She has given all of her many talents over to the Lord and has humbly asked Him to use them to Expand the Kingdom! She is a Fantastic Photographer, and you will see those skills in most of the photos you see. She is a Great creative designer and has become the head of Social Media & Website Design for One Truth. She is my Sister in Christ and a Kindred Spirit Friend! I was blessed with the privilege of speaking at her wedding, where she married her husband, Bobby Kluss. They now have two beautiful daughters!