God In Three Persons - The Blessed Trinity!


Last week we were able to spend some time studying the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity.  We now know this doctrine is sound according to the Word of God!  The Bible is Very clear about the Triune God.  The Godhead is three in one.

This week we will attempt to grasp what this actually means!  We will ask the Lord to help us bend our minds inward and outward in hopes of perhaps  understanding, in some way, what it means that there is only 1 God yet He exists in 3 persons!

Most of us would say, 1+1+1=3, and so it is here where I want to introduce the use of illustrations.  Now please know that these are just that...illustrations!  Not one of these examples can fully and perfectly define the Triune nature of God and yet they may help us to know at least a glimpse of the concept until we are face to face with God and we will KNOW as we are KNOWN, like the Bible says...perfectly!  Until then let’s consider that while addition may stand in opposition to this understanding, multiplication enforces it!  1x1x1=1!  There have been many suggested and used illustrations of the Trinity and it is worthwhile to take a moment and think about them knowing, that while they may help us comprehend in a small finite way, any illustration of the Trinity will ultimately fall short at perfectly explaining that which is infinite and beyond our understanding.  Take the illustration of water for example.  While water can exist in three forms - steam, solid, liquid, it is most usually existing in only one of those forms at any given time, whereas God is distinctly three at all times and yet He is always One!

We can begin by considering an egg.  The egg has three parts yet is one egg.  The egg consists of the shell, the yoke, and the white.  All three parts are needed to be one whole egg.  Three in One!

We can also consider the roles of any person.   I can use myself as an example.  I am One woman, yet I am distinctly a Wife, a Mother, and a Daughter at all times.  I act Very differently in each of those roles and yet I am One and in unity with myself always.  I fulfill three distinct roles and yet am One person!

Marriage is a great one to consider.  This union takes Two distinct people, joins them together and God says they are one flesh!  Two become one.  Bring in children and the family really resembles the Trinity relationship!  Three distinct members, father, mother, children, yet One Family!

There are many more illustrations that are wonderful ways to help us wrap our minds around the concept of the Trinity, and they are worth our contemplation, but what may be even more important for us to consider is this next question.

What does the Doctrine of the Trinity teach us?

First - The Trinity teaches us that God is far beyond any of our human comprehension!  And Praise God for that!  If God was someone we could completely grasp and understand and fit into our man-made boxes then He would not be God Almighty!  The Holy Trinity proves our God is indescribable, incomprehensible, and unknowable in His entirety!  He is the Great I AM, and because of our finite minds being unable to fully comprehend the math of Heaven while we are on this Earth, we cannot create, explain, or contain Who God Fully Is in our own images!  Praise His Holy Name!

Second - The Trinity teaches us to lift up and exalt, bow down and worship not only God the Father, but God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!  Each is a Divine person making up our 1 God!  Jesus is not just God’s Son, but God The Son...the Spirit of God is not just a spiritual Force, but God The Holy Spirit!  Because of this we need to know that we can and should pray to all three persons of the Holy Trinity!  The questions is do we take time to worship God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!  Do we pray in the same manner we worship!  We know that we are led by the Holy Spirit, and I can’t count the times I find myself in prayer to the Holy Spirt throughout my day!  He is who leads us into all Truth, He will direct our steps, and He will guide us where we need to go!

May understanding who the Godhead is - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, help us to know that God is so far beyond our small humanistic portrayal of Him!  May we stand in Awe at the unknowable vastness of the Creator of the Universe!  He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days!  And may we bow down, worship, and obey God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all deserving of our complete and utter devotion and praise! 

This is how we know God and have relationship with Him.  Knowing Him as One God and yet knowing Him distinctly in Three Persons!  

One day we will understand Heaven’s math perfectly when we are face to face with our God! 
And Oh What a day that will be!

Ashley Possin