God Exists! Just Look at His Creation!


I cannot help but be amazed when someone declares that they have come to the conclusion that there is no evidence within creation that God is exists.  That always astounds me!  The world itself IS Living Proof that God exists!  If we have any kind of a logically reasoning brain, I’m not so sure we need more than creation itself in order to know that God is real!  

Let’s just consider a few things of note, and by the way, having a few of these things in your memory bank may prove helpful when having this discussion with someone who doesn’t believe.

We have 206 bones in our bodies, over 700 muscles, and a heart that pumps about 75 gallons of blood an hour through more than 60,000 miles in length of veins, arteries and capillaries!  That’s long enough to go around the world more than twice!  As you read this right now, you are doing so with eyes composed of more than 2 million moving parts, and you are listening with ears made up of one of the most complex systems in our bodies.  Do you really believe that all the millions of parts, organs, muscles, veins, etc, that have to work together with each other in absolute perfection every second of every day in order for us to live and function, just pieced themselves together or grew together after a very long time and began operating in perfection all by themselves?  You have over 30 Trillion cells in your body and each one of those cells contain DNA that holds a staggering amount of information!  So much information in fact, that scientists say that within one cell of our body there is enough information in our DNA to fill over one thousand books of over five hundred pages each!  Where did all that vital information come from?  Did it just morph into being by happenstance?

All that we have talked about is just one part of God’s Creation!  Think about the powerful example of nuclear force.  Last year, after schools closed in our area, I was teaching my daughter at home.  Using public school books, we began studying the atom.  We were learning about the “Strong Nuclear Force” that scientists cannot explain.  It is the force that holds the nuclei - the center of the atom -together.  The nuclei is made up of protons and these protons are somehow held together by a strong force that scientists still to this day cannot name.  This makes no logical sense because protons are all positively charged and should, by nature, repel each other, causing the atom to explode or cease to exist.  What is exciting is that we Know the name of this Strong Nuclear Force that holds the nuclei together - Jesus Christ!  The Bible tells us in Col 1:17, and Hebrews 1:3 that JESUS holds all thing together!

Let’s consider the sun...Our sun burns and produces energy that sustains planet Earth by fusing hydrogen atoms together.  When those atoms fuse, 0.7 percent of their mass is converted into energy.  If that percentage was off by just .1 of a percent...if the conversion was just 0.6 percent, the universe would consist only of hydrogen and there would be no planet for us to inhabit nor would there be a sun to warm it.  If the conversion were 0.8 percent, the fusion would happen so quickly that hydrogen could Not exist period!  Our universe is so precise that fusing atoms must give up between 0.6 and 0.8 percent of their energy exactly or our world and all of us in it would not exist!  Is this not incredible?  Do we honestly believe that everything that operates on just a razor’s edge in order for us to exist is all due to chance or gradual evolution?  

I want you to picture this.  When I was in high school, I was led to a secluded, wooded area by a beautiful lake, and as I arrived at this gorgeous spot overlooking the lake, a blanket was spread out before me.  It was a soft, big and warm blanket, just what I love, and on that blanket was all of my favorite deserts beautifully displayed.  There was music set up with my favorite songs playing and very fancy glasses filled with my favorite drink.  There were extra jackets to keep me warm, literally everything I could have wanted or needed was all there prepared for me.   Now what if, upon seeing this, I burst out, “Wow, look at all of this that just appeared out of no where, in nick of time!  Everything I need has just spontaneously erupted to this exact spot, right when I would need it!”  Or what if I responded by saying, “I wonder how long everything on this little hill has been evolving in order to create all I would need or desire at just this very moment that I would want it!”  I should hope someone would have told me how ludicrous I was!  Obviously, the truth was that someone knew I would be coming and had prepared ahead of time for my arrival.  Someone intelligently designed and set everything up beforehand, knowing me, and knowing what I would need before I was even there!  That person had planned specifically for my arrival.  Now in my case that someone was my future husband and best friend, but let’s think about the much bigger picture here!  How much more ludicrous is it for us to take a look at the enormously complicated universe we see before us, specifically laid out in the most intricately precise way that we would need and desire in order to live, and actually think to ourselves, “Wow, look at what just happened to spontaneously combust in our favor!”  When we look at creation it is obvious that someone specifically and intelligently designed every aspect of our world beforehand, planning for our arrival!  Our world was carefully prepared exactly with us in mind!  In fact, Francis Crick, an atheist and one of the two people that discovered DNA, estimates that “the odds of intelligent life existing on the Earth as the result of non-directed chance to be about 1 in 10 to the two billionth power!”  I don’t know about you but any reasonable person would put their money on an intelligent designer - God Almighty!

There may be days when you don’t hear God speaking, but if you can remember these facts you will be able to say with absolute confidence...I may not hear God today but I KNOW He exists...it would be impossible for Him Not to!  

This is just a very short answer to so many proofs that are made clear throughout creation that God is real and that He really made all that we are and all that we know.  I encourage you to continue to discover the evidence of God yourself!  

For Further Study this week...

Romans 1:18-28

1.) How has God made Himself known to ALL?  Name some of the invisible qualities of God you can clearly see in Creation.  In what ways does the Created Universe declare God’s Eternal Power?  His Divine Nature?

Col. 1:15-17, Heb. 1:3

2.) List examples from our Universe that make it clear that Only God could be holding all things up & together.

Psalm 19:1-6

3.) How do the Heavens & the Skies proclaim the Glory of God?  Give examples.

Gen. 1:26-27

4.) How do Human Beings declare God’s Existence?

*Write out your conclusions about Creation itself declaring the existence of God!  

Ashley Possin