God Exists! He’s the FIRST CAUSE of ALL that IS!


This is the second of four arguments for God’s existence that we will be lightly touching on in answer to one of life Biggest Questions, “Is there proof that God exists?”  Now I do not pretend to be a scholar on this subject, nor do I not have the intellect or brain power that brilliant men such as William L Craig, or C.S. Lewis have, but I do love this argument for God’s existence and I believe it is important for us to seek the answers for these questions!  What is really fun about this particular argument is that the very week I was preparing to talk about this subject, both my daughter and my son in two different classes were learning about the The First Cause Argument in school and I was able to both teach them and learn together with them on this subject.

I don’t know if you have kids or have raised little ones, but one of the great seasons of a child’s life is the season where they want to know the answer to every “How Come,” “Why?”or best yet, “Where did that come from?” questions.  Both my kids went through those seasons, my daughter might still be in that season at fifteen.  I can remember when she would ask me questions like, “Where did this plant come from mommy?”  “Well, it came from a seed, honey.”  “Where did that seed come from then?”  “Well it came from a mommy plant?”  “Where did the mommy plant come from?”  And so on the questions would go.  What these little ones are trying to do is to get their way back to the First Cause of everything!  Isn’t it amazing that even at such a young age, these little humans realize there must be a First Cause for everything that exists.  I love how God created our minds to know, to question, to search out, and to look for truth!

This very type of exploration is extremely useful and important in arguing for the existence of God!  So let’s break down the First-Cause Argument for the Existence of God, this is also referred to as the cosmological argument for God!

This argument is based on a very simple premise that includes three statements.  This premise is based on the Principle of Causation.

1.). Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

2.). The universe began to exist.

3.). Therefore the universe has a cause.

Let’s take a closer look at these statements. The first statement is based on the uncomplicated logic that if something has begun to exist, it did not come from nothing!  This is simple and yet extremely important.  To me it should be a duh factor and yet rather than believe in a creator or intelligent design, some people would rather try, unsuccessfully, to argue that something came from nothing.  Look at the words on this screen.  They exists, correct?  There was a moment where these words began to exist!  So how did they come into being?  Our argument states that it had to have a cause!  In this case the cause was ME!  I typed the words and they existed.  Now we can continue to run this back...first the screen they are on began to exist.  What was the cause of the screen?  Eventually you will get to the human minds that these computers came from, then make your back through the reproductive processes of many humans until you must come to the first cause of the first human ever!  What we can know for sure is that the words on this screen could not, did not, would never just appear without a cause!  If I have nothing....what can come of what I have?  Nothing!  Nothing is the only thing that can come from nothing!!  The Word of God confirms that before God began to create there was nothing, but Him! 

So here is our second statement.  The Universe Began to Exist!  This is something for which there is too much Scientific proof to share all of it with you today, but please study it out!  Science has proven that our universe has a starting point!  It Began to exist, and it is on a declining clock.  This second statement, in part, uses the 2nd law of thermodynamics that states that the universe is expending all its useful energy!  It is on a countdown of its existence!    If the universe had always been, it would have already used up all its energy and died out by now.  Not only does it have a starting date, but it also has an ending date!  Scientists can see that our sun is burning up its energy and will one day burn out entirely!  Therefore the sun, as well as, all the other stars had a beginning!  The universe began to exist!  In fact, Science can take us back to the moment of, of what they call the Big Bang, when the first thing to exist was Light!  They would say that we can trace existence back to a single moment where all there was was Light!  Absolutely true!  The first thing God said was, “Let there be Light!”  And then there was LIGHT!  

The third and final statement will launch off the first two!  If the universe began to exist it must have a cause!  So, who caused the Cause?  To be the Very First Cause means it would have to rely on absolutely nothing for its own existence!  If it needed anything to exist, it would be an effect instead of the cause.  It must be Self Existent!  We have to remember right here that the premise of Causation says that everything that BEGAN TO EXIST must have a cause!  God never began to exist!  He is eternal!  He has always been and always will be!  Here are some key clues to this answer...we know that time, space, and matter all began to exist when the universe began to exist.  Time has a beginning.  It was caused.  Space has a beginning.  It was caused.  Matter had a beginning moment and it too was caused, so whatever started all of this had to be outside of time, outside of space and outside of matter!  If we take all of these facts into consideration together we will end at only one conclusion - the Cause of the universe and life as we know it - the Self-Existent, Timeless, Spaceless, and Immaterial One, the Only one who is Eternal, the Only One who is outside the confines of Space, the Only one who is Fully Spirit, and exists fully on His own is God Almighty!  He and He alone is the First Cause - you can go no farther than Him!  The search ends at God!  Amen!

Ashley Possin