THIS Is The Day The Lord Has Made!


THIS Is the day the Lord has made!  I will rejoice and be glad in it! - Ps. 118:24

I want to share with you the verse I begin my day with everyday in the hopes that it might encourage you too!  I have found that it becomes far too easy to live our lives getting hung up on our pasts or getting too overwhelmed by our futures, and when this happens we can miss the present!  I believe it is extremely important that we understand the value God puts on THIS day!  Time is a gift and it is never guaranteed to us.  The past is inaccessible to us and the future is out of our reach but the present is what we have been given and if we want to see God move in extraordinary ways in us and through us then we must be engaged in this day and this day alone!  THIS is the day we have and we have the opportunity to rejoice and be glad IN THIS DAY!  We would be wise to learn what we can from the past and then let it go, and we must leave the future in the sovereign hands of The Lord, so that we are free to follow Jesus today!  Paul tells us this in Phil. 3:13 when he explains that the one thing he does is to forget his past and focus on what is ahead of him that day!  Jesus tell us the same in Matthew 6:34 when He says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. ... Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  This is why Jesus teaches His disciples to pray each day for their DAILY bread!  That God would provide what they need Each Day!  In the same way God provided for the Israelites in the desert, by giving them just enough manna at the start of each new day, so God provides what we need at the start of each new day!  God’s Mercy is new Every Morning!  Great is His faithfulness!  We need only to ask the Lord for all the provision we may need for this day, knowing He will do the same the next day and the next!  I was recently asked how I would make a plan to Win This Day, not this whole week or this whole month, but how would I focus on THIS day with the goal to have the day marked by victory in Christ.  This is something I try to put into practice daily as I believe it is of utmost importance!  I have seen my days transform from ordinary to extraordinary by living this way!  I want to share with you what the Lord has taught me over the years in how to Live This DAY with the Lord!

1.) Acknowledge that This Day Belongs to God!  This is HIS DAY!  He created it, He has a purpose for it, and if your living in it then He has a purpose for you in this day!

2.) Surrender This Day to God!  Knowing it is His, surrender your plans and thoughts, and desires, and to do lists of this day to the Lord!

3.) Pray This Day to God!  Ask God what HIS Agenda is for this day and how you can partner with what HE is doing!  You can ask what He would have you do in All aspects of your day.

4.) Obey God in This Day!  As the Lord leads you in your day, Obey what He is asking of you this day!  As you surrender and seek Him, He will lead you, so be ready to obey!  

5.) Glorify God in This Day!  In all you do TODAY live to Glorify The Lord!

We don’t want to miss the extraordinary, abundant life Christ has given us!  We want to be present in the day He has created and gifted us with!  When we focus on our past it stops our progress, when we become overwhelmed by our future it also stops our progress, but if we focus on This Day we can experience Victory in the moment!  We can Win This Day!

THIS Is the day the Lord has made!  I will rejoice and be glad in it! - Ps. 118:24

Ashley Possin