
I recently returned from an incredible vacation with my whole family, but I have to tell you that the place we had been vacationing was packed full of people, and noise, and chaos, and constant activity and I found myself trying to navigate us through all of that on a daily basis. We were just go, go, go, everyday and were running at high speed. This high octane vacation was further complicated by finding ourselves in the middle of a couple of HUGE storms. Now, you have to realize that we were all outside during all of this and on top of the chaos and noise and people, we were now navigating through some of the largest storms I have ever tried to walk through. The downpour was massive. As I am telling you this, I am remembering what it was like and realizing that at that time I was facing a bit of an internal storm as well. I had many things pressing in on me. I had a battle against worry that was taking up my emotional and spiritual energy and I was getting ready to face unknowns that would test my faith! I wonder if there is anyone else walking through something similar right now? I believe some of you reading this may be surrounded by the noise of life, the constant activity of life, the chaos of this life. Your life may feel packed full, running at top speed. Maybe you are trying to navigate your way through an incredible storm right at this moment. You are drenched by the sudden, or not so sudden, onslaught of a downpour and you wonder if it will ever let up. If this sounds similar, then like me, you may be needing the simple reminder that God sent to me that day.

As I was in the middle of all of this outwardly, as well as internally, I was also in the process of trying to physically get my family through the chaos, and through the storm, and as I was focussed on what was in front of me, someone in my family shouted at me, “Ashley, Look UP!” As I lifted my face towards the heavens, I kid you not, there, written in HUGE LETTERS Across the sky were these two words: “TRUST JESUS!” Honestly, I just stared! In the middle of the Storms, in the middle of the Chaos, God is speaking one message to us today…“TRUST JESUS!” I can tell you that our whole family was just held in the Peace of that powerful command. It was an amazing moment for me, because I knew God was well aware of the storm not only around me, but the storm inside me, and that was a message sent straight to my heart that day! Jesus is the ROCK of Ages! He is the ROCK of our Salvation, and in the middle of the storm, HE is the One we must CLING to! He is what we throw ourselves against when we are facing the hardships of this life because He is the immovable ROCK, and as we put our Trust in HIM, we will NOT be Shaken!! Sometimes, we just need that reminder put in big bold letters for us! Whatever you are facing today, whatever you may be going through, however hectic or worrisome or troublesome life may seem at this very moment, God’s message remains the same… TRUST…JESUS…PERIOD!

“HE alone is my ROCK and my Salvation, my Fortress; I shall Not be Shaken!” - Ps. 62:2

Ashley Possin